The Compatibility Estimation of Compensation in the Labour Law
Labor life is an important part of social life; it is treating two legal centers: either worker or employer. It also has an impact on beneficiaries of these labor centers. Work injury is a risk happens to the worker because of his work so giving him a sense of job security and protect him and his future rights lead to strengthen the position of the employer and lead to reflect civilized laws related to the assessment of compensation. The Jordanian Labor Law regulated compensation to a higher extent violated the fundamental rules of the Jordanian Civil Code, which establishes compensation on the basis of actual damage. The Jordanian Civil Code influenced by Islamic jurisprudence and was built on the basis of damage, contrary to other laws in the world which were founded on the basis of fault. From this component, the damage is considered the criterion in calculating the value of compensation for the financial disclosure concerned. This research discusses the issue of the compatibility of the compensation stipulated in the Jordanian Labor Law and the compensation stipulated in the Jordanian Civil Code.